Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Iowa Uses Raygun on Obama

Chris Moody/Yahoo News
By Jim Lagnese

It seems the secret service wanted to search businesses and homes near and around where Obama was giving a speech. One store had a problem with that.

From the Register:

DES MOINES, Iowa—President Barack Obama is planning an outdoor rally here on Monday, but one store within the event's security zone is taking a stand against Secret Service searches inside the shop.
A sign on the window of Raygun, a clothing store that sells quirky T-shirts, tells Secret Service agents who intend to "sweep" the premises before Obama's speech that it does "not consent" to any searches. The sign also added a little humor, too: "It's not that there's anything illegal in here, we just employ several Colombian prostitutes and don't want to tempt you guys," the sign reads, a reference to news reports earlier this year about some agents who had solicited prostitutes in South America.

Obama better watch out for those crusty Iowans. They are libel to shoot him with a Raygun.

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