Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Dems Do It

Well, the Wicked Witch of New Orleans has done it, along with Blanche "Mama Yokum" Lincoln from Arkansas. Still think I am wrong? I called it before, and even before that.  All the right wing cheerleading for the last 18 months has been for naught. I am sure I will not get one freaking comment from my compatriots of liberty: There is no admitting defeat. Well, it looks like we are going down. Even if we make inroads in 2010 and get the white house back in 2012,  will all of this be repealed? No, it won't, It never has been, and it won't start now. Politicians in DC and almost everywhere else like the power they wield, given from us, and expressed with our hard earned money. We put too much faith in these mountebanks on both sides of the isle, and we have suffered the results.

What to do next? Well, some of you will succor to Rush, Glenn or Sean to hear the next talking points and/or inspirational diatribe on what's next.  More pablum from Mr. potato head and company. Rush will say continue fighting, while he moves to New Zealand, Glenn will tell everyone to stock 6 months of food in their basement and plan to move to Glennbeckistan, and Sean will say he is running in 2012 as the next Reagan, and a poor imitation at that. What these bread and circus directors seem to forget is that we lost on November 4, 2008, not today. We can't turn the clock back, and our choices are slim. I await commentary from my compatriots in liberty to give me a clue as to what is next. Any takers?

Thank you for reading this blog.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of which, here's a bit that will also catch your interest.


LandShark 5150 said...

RG -- the next move should be a Con Con to keep it all civilized and all that B.S., but my call is armed bloody revolt. I am sick of this crap being crammed up and down ever orifice of my being.

Teresa said...

This is utterly disgraceful. Senators selling their constituents out for money or other bribes is sickening. This may be a path to defeat. But, then again, I think dingy Harry is going to have to do much more bribery to get Reid-care passed. But, I also think that whomever is elected President in 2012 might be able to pronounce this piece of crap legislation as unconstitutional. Maybe wishful thinking?

BTW- I think you will like my latest post.

The Right Guy said...


Presidents can't declare something unconstitutional. Only the supreme court can do that. Someone or some entity with standing would have to bring a case before SCOTUS, and I haven't heard one peep out of anyone with that thought in mind. The Right is truly feckless. Where are Mark Levin and Judge Napolitano on this?

I am right with you. The problem is not many people are willing to fight for freedom anymore. Most Americans are content to be farm animals.

blackandgoldfan said...

I'm with Sharky, too. And I'm locked and loaded, pal!!!

Since the voices of the people have once again been ignored (even after such a turnout as on 9/12), we have to kick it up a notch. Do I condone unnecessary violence? Nope. But it's coming to a point where we need to make our stand when government-house comes a knockin'.

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