With Obama's caving in on the missile defense plan, he has become Vladamir Putin's bitch. After being properly felated by Obama, Putin says it was a
"correct and brave decision". Now that Obama succumb to
Neville Chamberlain Disease, all of eastern
Europe feels and is betrayed by our feckless and pusillanimous Commander in Chief. Obviously we have passed the
crossroads and we are nearing a point of no return where our enemies will come to view us with more than contempt, but beneath it, where once we were an adversary to respect, now we are one to be walked on like a man who has been punked in prison. Obvious too is that Obama has ignored the
warnings, and instead has chosen to cut path that is just a reversal of whatever Bush or Reagan would have done or did do. It's a path that has no rhyme or reason, but whose sole purpose is to undue what progress that has been done in order to delegitimize the past to create whatever future Obama seems fit to create. This is purely a marxist philosophy.
By ignoring what has worked and doing the opposite of what predecessors have done in order to undo, he is putting this country in a position that is not only less than first among equals but one that is servile at best and impoverished, destitute, and feckless at worst. This man has no respect or I would even say knowledge of the concept of
American Exceptionalism, and has a fabian and neo-european view of the world. He does not think like an American, nor does he act like one. For all intents and purposes, we have elected a man that is not one of us. This shows in the disconnect between what he wants to accomplish and what Americans want, don't want, and his lack of respect for that. After all, We
cling to our guns,
and our religion...
Thank you for reading this blog.
Hey RG! Hope all is going well with you.
I heard somewhere that the leaders in Europe are so hacked off that they won't even return Hillary's phone calls. I don't blame them one bit. All BHO has managed to do is to alienate those who have come to be our allies and left the former (and possibly future) Eastern Bloc countries twisting in the wind.
This man has no business being in charge of a 7-11 let alone this great nation.
Excellent post!
I read the same things. I don't blame them for being pissed, we really deserted them and they have no reason to trust us again. Such are the results of an appeaser. What was Churchill's definition of an appeaser? Someone that feeds the crocodile in the hopes that he gets eaten last. I wouldn't let him run a lemonade stand.
Yup and Chavez and Castro get to enter from the rear when he's done. I am amazed at Obama's lack of understanding of history, Russian agression, and new economy--an economy based on solid petro dollars. Even Alice Cooper the rock star understands were the millionaires are being created right now. We are doomed because we choose do do everything wrong thanks to Obama leading us.
Once you accept the fact that Brakabama and the vermin with which he surrounds himself are still pissed that their side lost the Cold War, it all makes perfect sense.
May they rot.
Bwapp !! Great post. Nuff said.
Hey King:
Thanks for stopping by. God knows I ridden in enough of them, may be we crossed paths some time.
It's not that they lost the cold war, but that they lost it to a conservative once actor turned politician that they despised and disparaged as an idiot.
With all due respect, it has dick shit to do with Reagan. These maggots despise Western Civilization and yearn to destroy it. This is their mission.
Nothing to me per se, but to people that are pissed they lost the cold war, well...Reagan is not exactly loved. Insofar as Putin, well, it's a different ball game than or better put a return to some of the old ways. If Obama wants to play Neville Chamberlain or some derivation, it won't be good for us.
Great post...he's been Putin's bitch for quite a while. I wish I was a fly on the wall hearing him talk about the pansy in chief. I would pay to see a cage match with those two! bambi would pee himself and pass out fainting...crying and blubbering like the little girl he is (no offense to little girls)
Russia is getting back at America, and laughing all the way.
Getting back? They are waling into our crib unopposed.
I meant walking.
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