Friday, October 09, 2009

I am Back: Obama got the Nobel?

The first thing I saw on TV Friday morning after getting some sleep after surgery was that Obama won the Nobel. At first I thought the anestetic was playing tricks on me or the vicodin was, or may be Fox News was doing a practical joke. Nope...

Obama winning the nobel is just another example of social promotion. You ask why? Well, for one, the closing date for nominating someone for the nobel prize was 11 days after his inauguration. Exactly what did he do in 11 days to deserve this prize? Absolutely nothing.

Most recipients, particularly in the sciences, don't receive their award until they are dead or nearly so, having spent 40, 50 or more years in their discipline.

What was Obama's discipline? Community organizer? One term senator? No wonder he won't release his academic records. We might find out what a fraud he really is. Curtis Sliwa says this is premature adulation for what he will do, according MaObama's supporters. What rubbish. How can you reward someone for what they might do? This is affirmative action and social promotion at it's very worse.

Thank you for reading this blog.


Jill said...

It's really disgusting, isn't it? Awarding him for something he MIGHT do... just in case, you know.

Hell, I think I might be a famous author one day...

On the other hand, are we really surprised by this? Some say they aren't but I guess I really am surprised that they would make such a bold and foolish move. Don't they realize that there will come a moment or an event wherein they really WILL go too far!!

The Right Guy said...

In the end, it denigrates and lessens the value of the Nobel Prize. This goes to Rand's assertion that the left rewards need and mediocrity as opposed to ability and results.

The push is this: America is till the greatest country on earth and the left is cheering him on to carry out the progressive left agenda promulgated by idiotic Europeans and other feckless types in the world. They figure that this is their only chance to make the world in their image. No matter what, they are pushing the lowest common denominator. As I said in a post on another site, in college, I got an A- on a paper and an african american got an A. I followed the rules, which were 5-10 pages typed with bibliography and the other individual handed his in on one binder loose leaf paper, written in pencil. When I confronted the professor, she said that she gave him the A because he needed a leg up in life and no one in the real world will give him a break. I just walked away shaking my head. As far as I was concerned it devalued my work. I guess she was rewarding the kid for what he was going to do, which was probably sticking people up, doing drugs and stealing cars. I hope it didn't end up that way, but the school I went to catered to the AA crowd and many of the low income students that compromise 90% of the on campus residents got the red carpet treatment. Every week I would read about some kid that sublet his or her dorm to make money on what they weren't even paying for, while I have to wonder if they ever showed up for class. As a clue, Calvin Butts is president of the school now and the professor is the chair of the american studies department.

blackandgoldfan said...

So glad you're back!

Sorry that this is the first thing you had to see when coming out of anesthesia. Couldn't have been a cute nurse or anything, no....

Do you think that he was given the NPP to deter him from increasing our troops in Afghanistan? You never hear of the Norse getting involved in any wars, and maybe they want to use the NPP to send their message.

The Right Guy said...

He was given the prize to encourage him to follow his progressive, fabian socialist notions and agenda. Remember, even the misinformed Europeans and Swedes know that a lot of us are pushing him back. They want to push back on us, and this is just about the only way, which is to encourage the rat bastard.

He didn't earn this prize for anything he has done, but for what they hope he does. Call it optimistic affirmative action and social promotion. It has nothing to do with rationality or anything factual or what we would call the truth. It's pure misinformed and magical thinking.

The Right Guy said...

I ment Norwegians. Although the Swedes are no better. What ever happened to the vikings? Too much soy milk?

Chuck said...

"In the end, it denigrates and lessens the value of the Nobel Prize."

I respectfully disagree. It is a glaring affirmation of its already self-evident worthlessness.

To be nominated for that shitbag award would be a dishonor. To actually win it, a moral horror...for a moral person. For shitweasels like brakabama, its like a bumper sticker. woohoo

The Right Guy said...

You know chuck, you are right. In the context of the at least last 40 years, the peace prize is as you say. For some reason I think of TR, who did do something as president to earn it...MaObama is not in his league. Never was, never will be.

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