Well, let's get it over with. Ted is dead, oh yes, Ted is dead. The last of the Kennedy brothers died last night from the complications of brain cancer. Like I said, lets get it over with. Ted Kennedy was not a good man, not by any normal person's standard. He was drunkard, a philanderer, a murderer, a cheat, a liar and the least of all of it he was a liberal piece of manure. At first thought, I might not blame him as it seems like a genetic disorder. Consider his brothers shared some of the same traits and results, as did the next generation with Michael Skakel and William Kennedy Smith. All pieces of manure, with the jackass sardonic Kennedy smile, but I digress.
No, Ted was responsible for his actions, the problem is, he never was held responsible for them, not on this earth and it was a grave injustice to him. From the time his dad bailed him out for multiple cheatings at Harvard to Chappaquiddick. It just emboldened the Kennedy genes. Having read The Last Brother by Joe McGinness, I kind of feel a little sorry for Ted. He was after all the youngest, a n'er do well in school that just didn't excel at anything. When Ted graduated from law school, it was said he wanted to move to Colorado and have his own law practice and make it by himself. Another opportunity lost to change the destiny of the Kennedy genes. I really think he resented being in that family at some point but was never able to break away. Unfortunately, he sublimated his discontent into alcoholism, womanizing, and all around bad behavior. Who can forget the waitress sandwich he had with Chris Dodd?
Anyway, by all accounts, the debt is paid in full now. Ted met his maker and whatever happened between them is done. He is now serving eternity with the punishment or reward (unlikely, but who knows? God has a fantastic sense of humor) that he received from god.
Good riddence Ted, you really were a piece of work, you could have done better with what you were given, but chose to piss it away on booze, women and felonious acts. I hope the citizens of Massachusetts get to elect someone better than you in the upcoming special election.
On a couple other notes, to add insult to injury, they are going to bury this rat bastard at Arlington. That is almost as incredulous as burying the remains of Hitler at Auschwitz. I was really hoping for a burial at sea.
Thank you for reading this blog and have a shot of scotch in memory of Der Schwimmer.
How fitting that Obamao was on Martha's Vineyard on a vacation when Ted Died. I wonder if he visited Chappaquiddick?